- text-to-speech
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. . 1998-2007.
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. . 1998-2007.
text-to-speech — ˌtext to ˈspeech abbreviation TTS adjective [only before a noun] COMPUTING relating to the technology that allows a computer to change data into spoken words: • text to speech software text to speech noun … Financial and business terms
text-to-speech — ˌtext to ˈspeech 8 [text to speech] noun (abbr. TTS) uncountable (computing) a computer program that converts text into spoken language … Useful english dictionary
Text to Speech — [Abk. TTS], Sprachsynthese … Universal-Lexikon
Text-to-Speech — Dieser Artikel als Sprachausgabe. Unter Sprachsynthese versteht man die künstliche Erzeugung der menschlichen Sprechstimme (fälschlicherweise wird es oft auch als Synonym für Vorleseautomat oder Text to Speech System (TTS) verwendet) … Deutsch Wikipedia
text to speech — conversion of text to speech, program which produces human speech sounds according to written text … English contemporary dictionary
Text-to-Speech — engl. Text zu Sprache , bezeichnet die Möglichkeit, einen Text mittels entsprechender Software maschinell in Sprache umzusetzen. SMS to Speech … Online-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Lexikon
Microsoft text-to-speech voices — The Microsoft text to speech voices are speech synthesizers provided for use with applications that use the Microsoft Speech API (SAPI). Microsoft Sam is the default text to speech male voice in Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP. It is used… … Wikipedia
BBC Education Text to Speech Internet Enhancer — software that helps blind Internet users with screen reader programs by removing unnecessary HTML formatting from BBC websites enabling the text to speech reader to function more effectively, BETSIE … English contemporary dictionary
Speech Synthesis Markup Language — (SSML) (Язык Разметки Синтеза Речи) представляет собой основанный на XML язык разметки для приложений синтеза речи[1]. Он был рекомендован рабочей группой W3C[2]. SSML часто встраивается в сценарии VoiceXML для интерактивных систем телефонии[3].… … Википедия
Speech Synthesis Markup Language — (SSML) is an XML based markup language for speech synthesis applications. It is a recommendation of the W3C s voice browser working group. SSML is often embedded in VoiceXML scripts to drive interactive telephony systems. However, it also may be… … Wikipedia
Speech Dispatcher — Maintainer Hynek Hanke Aktuelle Version 0.7 Programmiersprache C Lizenz GPL … Deutsch Wikipedia